
is a self-directed program that includes the EPICS assessment, “Snap Shot of your Skills and Interests and more!
Deciding whats most important in life. This site provides additional tools to help you recognize your values and how to incorporate them into your career.
Find fulfilling career possibilities based on what matters to you. Explore content and resources to help you answer the question, “What should I do with my life?”
from your results. This will give you a list of occupations that people with the same code do for work.
Part of the O*Net company, this site will help you browse careers ” I’ll know when I see it”, search careers “I want to be a…” and let you input what you like to do “I’m not really sure.” Use the strengths and interests highlighted in your EPICS results to explore options on this site.
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of Labor, you can find job openings in your area by entering a keyword and your zip code and much more.
Helps you to identify tasks, tools, technology, knowledge, skills, abilities and work activities of a specific occupation.
This library consists of many occupations according to each occupations specific code.
is a free “mini”personality test. It has 100 questions to rate and takes about 12 minutes. There is also the option for a more in-depth test which is a framework created exclusively to help you discover who you really want to be with a map to get you there.
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