EPICS, the Environment & Personality Intuitive Card Sort, is an assessment program that provides insight on how to create a satisfying and happy career and life.
The five benefits of taking EPICS and completing the activities are: 1. Discovering Your Personality Traits 2. Finding the Best Place to be and be Happy 3. Identifying Stressful Triggers 4. Unleashing Your Freedom 5. Increasing Personal Satisfaction and Success.
1. Discovering your personality traits. This helps you to understand why you react and respond a certain way. Are you a Helper? Do you like to fix thing? Do people say you can sell ice cubes to an Eskimo or are so thoughtful, and empathetic? Maybe you are an introvert or like to take the lead or influence others. Knowing who you are will help you understand how you communicate and work with others and why you need certain values in your life and work.
2. Finding the Best Place to be and be Happy. Where do you feel really good? There are different environments to work in in almost every field. For example, an introvert might like to work in a research field but would prefer to work alone rather than on a team. A medical professional might like to work in the field rather than in a hospital or like facility. Maybe you are a great programmer but at midnight instead of a 9am job. Discovering your ideal environment could be a game changer for you.
3. Identifying Stressful Triggers. Replace, Reframe, Relief. Learn how to replace or reframe things that cause you stress, by pinpointing what the root of the problem is in your career, you can plan to alleviate it. For example, if you are the type of person that needs structure to perform your job, then having a boss that is “hands off” may not work well for you.
4. Unleashing Your Freedom. Change your story, change your life. The hardest step is the first one. If you are unhappy, do not feel satisfied at the end of the day or know there is more to your life than you are experiencing, then it’s time to act and change. The imagery in the card sort, not only identifies your unique Holland code, it can help you rediscover forgotten passions and interests. 5. Increasing Personal Satisfaction and Success. Let EPICS point you in the right direction. Everyone wants to feel useful and fulfilled. Everyone wants to feel good about where they are doing. Why not find the piece that is missing in your career or life and make the change? The activities on the program will direct you to
5. Increasing Personal Satisfaction and Success. Let EPICS point you in the right direction. Everyone wants to feel useful and fulfilled. Everyone wants to feel good about where they are doing. Why not find the piece that is missing in your career or life and make the change? The activities on the program will direct you to pinpoint what needs to be changed and point you in the right direction.