Why is Employee Engagement Important?

Raising engagement can improve your company in areas such as productivity, health and safety, customer satisfaction and employee wellbeing, and turnover rate.

Here are three ways to be involved with your employees. 

1. Recognize a Job Well Done- This isn’t “everyone gets a trophy,” but recognizing a job well done and letting the employee or team know it goes a long way.  When we feel valued, we feel good about ourselves, we are more productive, and tend to become more attentive to our work and the people we contact.

2. Make sure Employees are Challenged- Boredom is one of the main reasons a person will quit their job. Offering courses that teach a new skill or would like to advance in the company?

3. Be Intentional and Aware – Be genuine when interacting with your employees or colleagues. Take time to inquire about one’s family or a personal event. Noticing when there is a change in behavior can indicate a greater problem. A sincere inquiry makes your employees feel a part of a work family rather than apart or a number. Offering wellness programs, such as healthier habits, safer work practices, and learning opportunities, can aid in work performance and personal well-being. 

Whether you’re exploring potential first jobs, preparing for a career change, or making some lifestyle changes, the EPICS assessment can provide meaningful guidance. We use intuition, brain science, and innovative strategies crafted by your responses and unique Holland code. EPICS offers practical insights intended to steer you toward professional success and personal fulfillment!

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