Today there is a lot of pressure for students to acquire a college education This can be overwhelming for a student that is undecided on what to major in.
Some young adults struggle to understand what their personal strengths and interests are exactly.
Some know what they want to do but struggle with what type of work environment they would be best in.
There are many different assessments and programs available for all types of learners. There are assessments for aptitude, strengths, personality, innate traits, acquired skills… the list is long. Schools, career counselors and coaches, therapists, corporations and organizations utilize these assessments to help, create awareness, and organize groups. Some people like to take assessments for personal growth. Knowledge about our self develops confidence, opens doors and can create opportunities.
Finding an assessment that resonates and validates what you intuitively know about yourself can be very helpful. Often we begin to self-doubt our strengths and interests, because someone, somewhere said we couldn’t, shouldn’t or can’t do something. Or we choose a path because an authoritative figure once told us we are should do x y or z.
At EPICS: Career Finder, we incorporate activities that use the right side of the brain like vision boards and guided visualizations with cognitive process such as Identifying Your Skill Set. Using the non-verbal and intuitive side of the brain (Right) can activate forgotten interests and aptitude; while using the verbal and analytical can help form these responses into concrete objectives and goals. Other activities to further your career exploration are watching Ted Talks, career expose’s and other media can further aid career exploration.