Discover a New Way to Fundraise with EPICS!

Are you looking for an alternative to selling chocolate bars and wrapping paper for your PTA or organization fundraisers? We'd like to introduce you to EPICS - A different kind of career exploration.

As a parent, I remember two things from my children’s grade school years: The first was selling wrapping paper and popcorn all the time wishing, “Couldn’t I just make a donation and be done with it?” The other was my daughter coming home and saying her guidance counselor said she would be a great teacher and her saying, “I don’t think so Mom.” FYI, she didn’t become a teacher and now is a lawyer working in the public health field. I’m not saying the guidance counselor was wrong, or that the selling of merchandise is bad, just that there are alternate kinds of fundraisers and different ways to explore career options.
What if I told you, there is a way to solve both of those dilemmas – not have to sell overpriced wrapping paper and instead offer people an opportunity to learn more about what’s going to make them happy in a explore career options.
What’s so special about EPICS? We believe we are bettering lives together by helping others achieve their full potential and find meaning and happiness in their work and lives.

EPICS has helped hundreds of people realize they can do better, change their direction, and have more quality time.

We hope that by offering EPICS as a fundraiser, EPICS can help you achieve your goals as we can better the lives of others.

How to Get Started: 

Give us a shout—email, text, call, or snail mail (not really snail mail)—and we can set you up with your own link and promo code to use on your Facebook page or any of your social media sites.

We’ve designed an EPICS Toolkit with ready-made posts, flyers and emails that you can add content, and easily upload, making your job easier.

Easy to Implement: No sign-up sheets, no cash collection, and no merchandise distribution. Everything is online.

Let’s make this event one of discovery and success with EPICS! For more information and to get started, contact us today!

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