The Environment and Personality Intuitive Card Sort (EPICS)

The Environment and Personality Intuitive Card Sort (EPICS)

The Environment and Personality Intuitive Card Sort (EPICS)

Uses intuitive career strategies can help you to discover or rediscover areas of interest that have been forgotten, put aside for other priorities and have suddenly reappeared in your thoughts. EPICS can affirm intuitive feelings you have about yourself and your self expression. Understanding how you express yourself and the type of environment you are most comfortable in, can be useful to look at new, fresh opportunities or changes. EPICS used in conjunction with other assessments could help in resume building, enhanced career qualifications or point you in the right direction for career and life satisfaction.

EPICS was tested for reliability and validity for congruence with the Holland Interest themes on students, professionals and individuals interested in pursuing a second career. Today, EPICS has been used in helping students of all levels (including students who are ESL learners, at-risk youth and with disabilities), returning veterans, empty nesters and professionals who are seeking a more satisfaction and meaning in their current career.